Parish News

Adoration Hours

We are joyful in our announcement that we have added another day of Eucharistic Adoration to our parish program. We will now have Adoration also on Tuesdays, making our new schedule: Tuesday and Wednesday – 10 am to 6 pm & Saturday – 10 am to 3 pm.

Coffee & Donuts

Coffee and Donuts will be served in the parish hall on the third Sunday of each month after the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. The next Coffee & Donuts event will be held September 15, 2024  Please join other parishioners in a Sunday meeting of fellowship and get to know each other as Catholic brothers and …

Portuguese Dinner

The parishioners of St. Julie Billiart Parish present a Portuguese Dinner which will be held on Saturday 5 October 2024.  Please note this date on your calendar. The menu includes  kale soup, roast chicken,  fish fillets,  roast potatoes, rice, soda/wine, coffee and dessert.  Entertainment will be provided. Tickets for adults are $35 for dining in …