Catechesis comes from a Greek word meaning “to teach by word of mouth.” Therefore “catechesis” could mean verbal instruction to one or a few individuals, or it could mean the propagation of truth within a family or a community. Catholic parents play a critical role in catechesis especially when they teach their children the truths of the Catholic Faith and the joy that comes from living a Christian life.
Catechesis takes many forms including formal/classroom religious education of young people. The intention of formal religious education is to give further instruction to a child who has already had the love and truth of God instilled by his or her parents. Religious education challenges and forms not only the child’s knowledge, but also his or her conscience. A well-formed conscience, to judge good from bad and right from wrong, is one of the most important aims of religious education, in addition to the practice of the virtues of faith, hope and love, and temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice.
At St. Julie Billiart Parish we divide our religious education program into two phases: Grades 1–5 ,and Grades 6–9. The 1st and 2nd grade level is preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Students advance until the 9th grade when they receive the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Our religious education directors and volunteer teacher need the invested assistance of parents who register their children in our faith formation program. The greatest investment that the parent can make toward this advancement is to attend Holy Mass each week with their child/children. Such a commitment not only solidifies and verifies the importance of religious education to the child, but also provides the grace of God for the parent and child to grow together within the family.
If you are interested in registering your child for religious education at St. Julie Billiart Parish, please call the religious education office at 508-990-0287, or please email the following religious education directors for the specific year of instruction:
Grades 1-5: Mrs. Kathy Kosinski []
Grades 6-9: Mr. Joe Martino []